
I’m so happy to be pregnant

Hello, my name is Juliet Ferree and I live in Port St. Lucie, Florida. I was born in Colombia and I have lived in America for almost 10 years. This email is just to say thank you, thank you.

I’ve been trying for a baby for 2 years without success, then I did my research and I saw that there was a clinic in my home country (I had to leave USA because here is very expensive an IVF treatment). I found a well-recognized clinic called CECOLFES and I called them and saw that they were using a device named INVOcell in their assisted reproductive treatments. I did even more research to know how it works and I liked all what I found so I contacted the clinic in Colombia and made all arrangements to go and I did my first IVF treatment with them.
After preparing for a few months, on April 19, 2010, I flew to Colombia to start my treatment. I was in CECOLFES clinic for 3 weeks and returned back to US on May 1.

My IVF treatment was called LITE with INVOcell. In the folicular aspiration procedure they retrieved 8 eggs but only 5 were mature and they were placed in the capsule (INVO cell) along with my husband’s sperm. I carried the capsule inside me for 3 days and “I feel that this is a more natural way than leaving them in a laboratory dish.” It may sound funny but loading those potential babies in my tummy felt very good and comfortable knowing that I was part of the process. After 3 days the capsule was removed and my doctor told me that 4 of the 5 fertilized and they were big and strong, remember he said “4 big boys came out” ha, ha, ha, ha. I was so happy and excited to continue the process. Then , my doctor transferred two embryos and I returned to the United States to wait for my results.

On May 11 I had a urine test was positive, but still had to wait to take my blood test to be 100% sure of the result. I did the blood test on May 14 and while awaiting the result I got 3 more Urine tests … ha, ha, ha, ha, ha …. also all positive I was very anxious to know the final result, so today I received it and it is positive …
I’m so happy to be pregnant, so I just wanted to thank you all for creating the INVO device and my doctors in Colombia as they make their exceptional work.

Thank you, thank you.

Juliet Ferree
Florida, USA